Pilgrim's Progress
A Red Orchid Theatre, Starring: Michael Shannon, Kirsten Fitzgerald, Ryan Bourque, Charlotte Mae Ellison, Playwright Brett Neveau, Director Shade Murray, Scenic Designer Chelsea M. Warren, Costume Designer Myron Elliot, Lighting Designer Mike Durst
Chicago Tribune, Chris Jones: "…in director Shade Murray’s deliciously unstinting production, which is a great pleasure to behold, especially given Chelsea M. Warren’s very witty little set, a visual parody of the actor, uncontained at home."
New City Stage, Zack Freeman: In this twisted “Adult Swim”-esque staged sitcom of hyperrealism and over-the-top impossibility (Chelsea M. Warren’s set captures this mix nicely), all the social contracts we inherently make with each other are manifested in physical documents drafted by patriarch Jim (a near-impossible-to-look-away-from Michael Shannon), debated by the family and signed (typically in pen, but in blood for more drastic agreements). – See more at: http://www.newcitystage.com/2015/11/10/review-pilgrims-progressa-red-orchid-theatre/#sthash.vSlMXQ9A.dpuf"